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Fish pregnancies

23 14:13:34

Hi, I have a 55 gallon tank with a variety of different fish...some known to be slightly aggressive towards smaller fish. And recently i got a female/male black Mollies. I have found 1 black Mollies fry in the tank but when i went to get a net holder for it to mature in it was gone...and theres no sight of any babies.So does that mean the other fish ate them? And how do i prevent that?How often do black mollies give birth?

Hi Kristina,
  Baby mollies can be pretty good at hiding -- that is how they stay alive, so the little one may still be in there.  An adult female molly can potentially give birth every few weeks or so.  

  If the baby truly is gone, it is very possible that any of the other fish ate it.  

-- Ron
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