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Getting a male betta next week

23 11:56:41

I just got a six gallon tank and I am getting a betta next week.  Mysister just
got a one gallon and she is going to get a few little glow fish ( the ones that
grow about an inch long ) I don't know exactly what there called but a know
they are glow fish. When I get my betta I also want to get some of those glow
fish. So could to tell me if that would be ok to get the glow fish or if there is
any other kind of fish to get with a male betta in a six gallon tank. Please
answer as soon as posible,  thank you.

Hi Ben

That's what they are called, Glowfish, also Glowlight Tetras and no, they won't work with a Betta. Bettas do prefer to be alone in a tank with little or no current. However, I have a Betta in a community tank with Cory Cat's, Whiteclouds, Mollies, Platies, White Tetras, Dwarf Gouramis and Zebra Danios and they all live in peace together. You have to watch the Danios though, they tend to be fin nippers. Your Betta needs to be the "star" of the tank and will most likely attack anything that outshines him. Stay away from fancy finned fish like Angels and Guppies and anything with bright colors like Neons, Flame Gouramis etc. At the same time, your Betta is a slow, graceful swimmer and you should avoid aggressive tankmates that will nip his fins like Tiger Barbs and Black Tetras. In a 6 gallon with a Betta, I'd set it up with the Betta and a couple of Black Mollies and a bottom feeder Corydoras Cat. Don't get the Lyretail Mollies though. Hope this helps you and good luck with your new pet!
