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Flowerhorn bloating stomach

23 11:04:14

Flowerhorn Bloated Stomach
Flowerhorn Bloated Sto  
It has been 2-3 days my fish is lying horizontally on the surface of the water and his body is bent like a bow. Also some part near his stomach has swelled up and its increasing day by day. I havent done any medications yet except for some amount of aquarium salt and blue solutions. Flowerhorn is not able to maintain his body balance and feeds only if i drop the food near his mouth.. However it tries to respond when I play with his tank.
Please provide me a solution at the earliest. Is there any way i can treat him? Local fish dealers suggested adding tablets of tetracycline..
Below is an images

Hi Abhishek,
   The problem is that either the intestine is blocked, and has filled with air, or the swim bladder is infected and is filled with air.

   You could try tetracycline but I really have no idea whether that would work.

-- Ron C.
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