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Red Devil Cichlid habitat

23 14:27:45

   I have had my red devil "Coconut"  for about 6-7 years now and he's about 10'' in length. he has most certainly lived up to the expectations of normal behavior of his species, (over turning plants, large rocks, and placing his gravel where he sees fit).  I know large tanks are highly recommended for these fish, but he seems to be doing just fine for the past 5 years in his extra high 30 gallon tank. My only problem is, is that the water is almost impossible to keep clean. I am using a power filter, 'Penguin Bio-wheel 350' which filters 350 gph, with 4 carbon filter cartridges and 2 biowheels. I add/change water every week/every other week. I have been feeding Hikari Cichlid Gold since I bought him. He is the only fish in my tank. Any recommendations on a different filter system, or should I definitely purchase a larger tank?  

Hi Kayleigh,
  I think you are fighting a difficult battle having him in a tank that size.  With the amount that he eats, that really isn't a lot of water to buffer the waste that he will produce (even with lots of filters).  A larger tank (e.g., 70 Gallon) would likely make your life much easier (and his better).

-- Ron
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