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I think my betta is dying.

23 14:50:49


I have had my betta for just about a year now, and lately I've noticed that he's been acting strangely. He has been eating very little for the last 2 weeks. For the last 2 days he had been at the surface of the water in a vertical position. I have done partial water changes to keep the water clean for him. The water temp. is 79 degrees. Today, however, when I checked on him he was on the bottom of his tank lying on his side. He is breathing, but he has changed from rhythmic to rapid breathing. I am concerned that he won't make it through the night. What can I do for him? Is there anything that will get him back to normal?



Hello Jen-

Hopefully I'm not too late, but I don't have much to offer in the way of advice. The rapid breathing usually means the water isn't clean, but since you've been changing it, this can't be the case. I would add some aquarium salt to the tank, but at this stage I do not know if he can be helped. I'm sorry about your little guy, and hope he feels well soon, if possible.

-Amber Worman