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my baby fish are dying!

23 14:13:09

My gold fish recently gave babies and i had them shifted to a new 2 gallon tank with a mini filter, there were 26 of them and now there are only 9, and I can still see one more dying, Please help! i change 50% of water every alternate day and have added 1 table spoon sea salt, after 15 of them died, but with little help. the small ones, shiver, for a day then feel weak fall frequenly and breath heavy before dying. Please help me know how i can save the rst i have and how to care for the little ones.

Hi Priya;

Poor guys. The tank is just too small and ammonia is building up quicker than you can remove it. I would change 50% of the water every day. Make sure the new water is the same temperature as the old and be sure to use a water conditioner. If you could test the water for the level of ammonia, you will probably find it's pretty high. Daily changes will help reduce it but it may not be enough until they get a bigger tank. Baby fish grow very fast, eat a lot and make a great deal of waste for such a tiny space. I hope the rest are okay...

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins