Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > Please help our betta!

Please help our betta!

23 14:23:48

QUESTION: Hi, we have had our betta for a little over a year now, and he has been really
strange lately. The other night he was laying at the bottom of the tank, kind
of contorted, like a "J". He has an aerated tank, and we change the water
regularly. We took him out and put him in a travel size tank and he was
instantly better (i.e swimming and active). We learned he had a fungus (white
splotches on his head), so we changed the water and cleaned the tank
thoroughly and gave him fish penicillin. He was up and swimming for a day or
so, and now he just is laying in the bottom again and breathing shallow, like
his gills flare out wide like he is gasping for air. What are we doing wrong and
what is wrong with him? Any help is appreciated. Thank you.

ANSWER: Hi Brittney.  I would like to try to help you with this question, or would have liked to.  I see that it has been here for quite some time.  Please let me know if you were able to resovle your problem or not, and if not, let me know if you would like help with it.  I will wait to hear from you.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hi, Thanks for responding. But our little betta actually died a few days ago. It was sad. But we didnt know what else to do. We spent a lot of money on fish supplies and medicine but something was just wrong with him. Thanks for your inquiry though.

I'm so sorry Brittney.  Please know that I found your question in the "question pool" and felt badly for you that no one had responded, so I figured I'd at least try to see if the fish was still alive.

If you decide to get a Betta in the future, I would suggest that you add a pinch or 2 of aquarium salt to his tank, and also an air stone if possible, and be diligent in cleaning his water once a week.  I see that you did do a pretty good job of that (great job) because he lived a nice year.  I'm sure you did everything that you could for your fish, you sound very caring.

Unfortunately, the leading cause for disease and illness in fish stems from poor water quality.  This is why it is so so very important to perform weekly tank maintenance and water changes.

If there is anything I can do for you or help you with in the future, please get back in touch with me, I'd be happy to help.   ;o)

Good luck!!!