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my fishes are sick =[

23 14:23:27

i have a lot of feeder fishes (gold fishes) in my tank to feed my oscars n green terrors but one of the bigger gol fishes started developing litle wite dots all over its body n tail after a week aproximately all of my oscars started tooo now theyt are all sick from the same illness what can i do about it ? or how  should i treat this infecction"

Hi Daniel,
 Unfortunately many feeder goldfishes carry a disease called ich and it shows up as small white spots.  Worse yet, oscars and green terrors can easily get the disease from the goldfish. That is why I strongly encourage people NEVER to feed oscars with live feeders.  All too often the oscar gets ich and dies. I get emails like this every week.

You need to treat it right away with one of the ich products, e.g., Rid-Ich, or Quik-Cure (there are others as well).  There is no guarantee but it is worth a try.

 Most importantly, never use feeder fish again.

-- Ron
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