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betta fish compatibility

23 14:48:54

Im a 13 year old girl who has gotten a betta fish named first we got him a small stone fountain with shells, then we moved him to a much bigger fish tank. we decided  to get him a female friend, but we were told that the male will fight with the female, and kill her. i was wondering if thats true. and i would also like to know what other kinds of fish would be ok with a betta.thanks


Hello Samantha-

Yes, it's true that male and female bettas will fight. It's also true that the female is usually the one who is killed - You shouldn't keep them together for more than 24 hours, if at all.

Tank mates for bettas include zebrafish, white clouds, Raphael catfish, bumblebee catfish, neon tetras, and other schooling, peaceful fish. Don't add guppies, or they will be killed.

Hope this is helpful, and good luck with Darien!
-Amber Worman