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My Betta lost its tail!

23 11:05:38

Two days ago, my gorgeous Betta (Mister Bubbles) must have caught his tail between filter and aquarium wall or some of the few pieces of decoration, I am not sure where. I found him last night without tail bones on the left side of his body and with tail bones present on the right side of his tail but without the skins. First I assumed his tail deterioated but it looks like he wiggled himself free from wherever he got caught and lost his tail. He is not eating, lays fairly upright on the ground, withdrew into his dark cave.
Is there any hope for his survival? What would be the best thing to do for or with him? I am devastated and feel utterly helpless.

Filters are not a good thing to have with male Bettas. Not sure what you mean by tail bones. Is there any chance that you can upload a photo of his tail? It would help me help you. The first thing I would do is make sure his heater is keeping his water at 80 degrees. Also add some stress coal to the water along with some aquarium salt. Make sure you dissolve the salt before you add it to the tank or you will burn him. The ratio is 1 teaspoon of salt to 1 gallon of water. If he still has a tail base, then he should grow it back, but it does take some time. If the decorations have sharp edges, then I would remove them. Anything that can catch his fins and tail are not good to have. Let me know if you can upload a photo.