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calico fantail goldfish

23 11:05:15

I have just purchased two fantail goldfish for the classroom.  I have noticed that the fish stay at the bottom of the tank under the filter and close together.  I notice also that they stay on top of each other.  They move some but are very close to each other.  What is going on with the fish please help.

Thank you for your attention to my request

Brigitte, What size tank are they in and did you cycle the tank before you put the fish in? The minimum size tank for your two goldfish is a 30 gallon. The filter should be for a bigger tank. Goldfish are one of the messiest fish and need the water perfect at all times. The cycle process for the filter and tank is at least 6 weeks. If the tank was not cycled, the fish could be suffering from ammonia and/or nitrite poisoning. Let me know if the tank was cycled. If it wasn't then I can help you cycle it. Also, sometimes the moving of the fish stresses them out. It could just be that and they will start to perk up. I will wait to hear from you about the size tank and cycle process.