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im worried about my small fish not eatin

23 11:59:25

i recently got a black moore and a gold fantail, i feed them one piece of gold fish flake twice a day in the morning and one at night but it seems like the black moore hogs it all up im worried to fantail isn't getting any food, and the guy at the pet store said they are tanks mate was he correct, and am i not feeding them enough or am i feeding them to much or am i feeding them the correct amount?

Hi Austin;

Fancy goldfish are generally compatible with each other but some have a hard time competing for food. Their rounded body shapes can prevent them from maneuvering very fast. Without knowing how big they are and how big the food flakes are I really don't know if you are feeding enough or too much. You may have to separate them if one fish eats all the food. Goldfish are natural born gluttons and some are just quicker at it.

You didn't mention anything about the tank either such as size, filtration, temperature, ammonia and nitrite level, etc. You might check the ammonia and nitrite to be sure the water isn't toxic. If the tank is new or happens to be too small for both goldfish they could very well be having problems from that and it may get worse. New Tank Syndrome and overcrowded conditions can be deadly. Here is a link to my page about new tanks and another about goldfish care;

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins