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angle fish question

23 11:07:26

QUESTION: Hello i am kinda new with oscars and i have a question, if i have a full grown angle fish can it be put with my albino oscar and my tiger oscar?

ANSWER: James,

It might be able to be done but I personally wouldn't try it. IF you choose to, make sure you keep a very close eye on them and if there are any problems remove the Angel immediately.

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QUESTION: Ok i have another question,

how many oscars can be put in a 55 gallon? i was thinking just 2 but people say a 55 isnt big enough for 1... hope you can help!



ANSWER: James,

It is correct to say that a 55 gallon is not big enough for 1 Oscar, here's why. A 55 gallon tank is about 12" wide. This will be too small of an area for an Oscar to turn around. If you want 2 Oscars you are looking at about 150 gallon tank. Hope this helps.

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QUESTION: hello again, i got my tank set up and i got some mollys, plattys, guppies, and 2 angle fish, i was wondering if i can add a male and female batta to the 55 gallon fish tank? petsmart said they can live with none aggressive fish???


You cannot put a male and female Betta in the same tank. They will kill each other. You also do not want to put male guppies in the same tank as a male Betta. The long guppy tail will attract the attention of the male Betta and they will fight.