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betta burps!

23 11:55:15

What can you tell me about betta burping...mine has been doing it...a LOT!  
And some of the burps are downright violent...he's very healthy and active,
but I have noticed a protrusion on his side for a's sticking out just
past his belly, where the top of his swim bladder might be...however, the
burping has been going on longer than the protrusion.  
A bit of background...
I have a blue male betta, have had him for maybe 8 months and he is my
sweetheart...he lives in a 5 gallon filtered tank, I live in san diego where the
climate is moderate so his tank isn't heated..I use filterd water from vending
machine, which I still treat with stress coat water conditioner and aquarium
salt...I change at least 1 gallon per week, and soometimes I wash out the
whole thing...he has live plants, which I think come with a sort of worm
critter...there is always these micro lifeforms in his tank, no matter what I do,
they always come can't see them without a magnifying glass...they
don't seem to bother him...but I wish I knew what they were and if and how
they affect i say, he seems healthy and active...I make sure the room
stays warm...he will only eat betta flake food, which has some bloodworms in
it, but he would never eat the many other foods I have tried...

ANSWER: Hi Liana,
Sometimes burping is caused by stress.  Add more hiding places, it may help.  However, the protrusion that you are talking about concerns me.  It could be that this is the cause of his burping even if it wasn't visible to the eye, it could have been growing inside him.  It could be a tumor...most tumors on Bettas are not cancerous, and they can live long happy lives.  You could give him a treatment of Melafix using half the dosages recommended.  It is a natural medicine, but use half the dose for Bettas.  Adding a teaspoon of dissolved aquarium salt also helps Bettas with stress, and it is good for them.  The only time salt shouldn't be added is if the fish has Swim Bladder Disease, or Drosy.
I would also like to mention that bottled water is not good for fish.  Bottled water lack the minerals found in tap water that fish need to be healthy.  Bring him back to tap water slowly.  Change 1/4 water to tap water, then next time you change 1/2 of his water to tap water, then 3/4 until you have him completely on tap water.
The worms you are talking about seem to be some sort of planaria worm.  They are harmless.  They multiply fast in a tank when there is uneaten food at the bottom of the tank.  Make sure that your betta is eating his food, and not letting it fall to the bottom where these worms thrive on uneaten food.  
Have you tried to feed your Betta pellets?  This would be so good for him to eat.  I know they get stubborn, but I never saw one let himself starve to death.  They need a varied diet...and should be given 2-3 small meals a day.  Example 2 pellets for one meal.  His tummy is the size of his eye, so we must be careful not to overfeed him.  He will get very sick if we overfeed.  He should also have one cooked frozen deshelled pea a week, and on the day you feed him the pea, he should have nothing else to eat.  This cleans out his system.  Cut the pea into tiny pieces, and feed them to your Betta one  piece at a time making sure he eats them.  Most Bettas love peas, but sometimes you have to tease them a little for them to eat them.
I hope this helps, and if you have more questions, don't hesitate to ask me.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Tap never know the temperature of tap water, so how do you
regulate the transferring into tap water?
I can get an aquarium heater, but do you regulate the temp of tap
water?  with bottled water, you just get it room temp. that surprises me about
tap being good for them...:)
I have Betta that the same as Melafix?
I  will try to buy him som pellets again, too...he always acted like he couldn't
chew them or something and spits them out and gives me this "look"

Tap water is best because like I mentioned it has the minerals that fish need, like we need vitamins.
You can buy a thermometer at the Pet store to see what temperature your water is.
Betta Fix and Melafix both have the same active ingredient, but Melafix is stronger.
Melafix has l.0% Melaleuca.
BettaFix has 0.2% Melaleuca.
This means that for every drop of Melafix, you would need 5 drops of BettaFix to get the same amount of Melaleuca.  Use BettaFix, and if the lump doesn't go away, don't worry, has long as he is eating, making his nest, looks happy, he will be okay.
Your little friend is  He spits out the Pellets because he knows you will give into him.  They are very smart you know, but don't worry, I have never seen a Betta in good health let himself starve to death!! ( I know that look!)  Betta Pellets made by Hikari are very good for him.  I know he might pout you, beg, do all kinds of nice tricks to get you to give him his flakes, but don't give into him, he will come around, eat the pellets, and like them as much as his flake food.
Hope this helps