Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > re convict breeding with a dwarf cichlid

re convict breeding with a dwarf cichlid

23 13:56:26

hi i have an adult male convict and a dwarf convict (so i was told) will they breed between species.. as my dwarf has laid eggs and is very protective over them... please help im stuck.. could send pics if needed

Hi Mandy,
 It is possible, though not overly likely.  Please send me photos of the dwarf cichlid so I can see what kind it is. Send them to the address below.

 It is also very possible that the dwarf cichlid will lay eggs on her own, despite not having a mate. Such eggs will not develop because they are not fertilized and will fungus over in a few days and then the female will likely eat them.   Some females will actually do this every few weeks, over and over.

-- Ron
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