Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > my goldfish wont eat! help please!

my goldfish wont eat! help please!

23 13:56:25

I have got a new 4 inch red and white Rancu frou ays ago, however it wont eat, i have tried to net it and feed it that way but it just spits the food out, i have tried flakes and bloodworms but it still wont eat. it is housed in a large aquarium with 4 other orandas. she seems healthy and alert just like the other but when i put food in the water she just ignores it.
is it because shes new?
will she starve to death?
please help. all help will be greatly appreciated!!!
thank you!

Hi Alex;

I would suspect it's because the fish is new and still trying to adjust to it's new home. I would give it a few more days. Fish can go for two weeks without eating so I wouldn't worry. It's even possible it doesn't like the food you feed. See if you can find out what the fish was eating before you got it. Some fish get used to certain foods and don't like to change.

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins