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Cotton wool disease

23 11:46:17

QUESTION: Hi I think that my Betta has cotton wool disease because he has fuzzy looking stuff on the top of his head. He looks like he might be shedding. What med should I buy for this. Thanks Mike

ANSWER: Hi Mike,
Fungus is a rapidly growing disease.  If left untreated it will eat away at your fish.  Poor little guy!  This disease is usually caused by poor water conditions.  Change all of your water using a good water conditioner, and buy "Fungus Eliminator"  This should help him get rid of the fungus.  Do not let this linger it could be fatal.
Hope the little fellow pulls through.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Jungle Fungus Eliminator. I have to order it in my town no one has anything. It takes me a couple of days. I am changing all the water and should I add salt and if so how much. thanks Mike

Hi Mike,
Salt is good for fish.  It helps with stress, and parasites.  The only time you don't add salt is when the betta's tummy is swollen.  It must be aquarium salt.  1 teaspoon to five gallons of water.  If you can find "Tetracycline" this medication is also good.  Is there a Walmart where you live?  If so, they do have medication for fungus.   Just read the labels, and you will find something that would help him.  Every second counts with fungus.