Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > goldfish swimming weird.

goldfish swimming weird.

23 14:31:19

We would like to know what it means when your fish is swimming upside down and sideways.

Hi JR;

You didn't tell me much about the tank, it's size or how often you clean it. It would be helpful to know how long it's been set up, what kind of filter and who he shares the tank with too.

Sometimes it's a water quality problem that causes erratic swimming.

If this has happened after a water change, it could be shock. If you didn't use water conditioner in the fresh water, it could be chemical poisoning from the tap water. Chlorine and other water system additives are very toxic to fish.

If the tank has been set up for less than 6 weeks, the fish is probably being poisoned by new tank syndrome toxins. Make a 25% water change right away.

It could be a swim bladder problem.

So many possibilities!

Let me know more about your fish and tank and we can go from there...

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins