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cold water fish

23 14:45:52


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hi, i have a trophical fish tank, i want to upgrade this to a cold water fish tank. iam planning to recycle my tank. My trophical fish tank didn't work out well, i heard that a cold water fish are easy to take care of and they are more hardier than trophical fish tank. Iam planning to keep fancy gold fish. My tank is about 24-26 gallon, i want to ask you how many gold fish can i keep in my tank, i heard that they produce more pllution than trophical fish. i also heard that depending on their size i could keep about 8-10 fishes. i planning to start with smaller ones.

Hi John,
 Actually cold water tanks are often harder to keep than tropical tanks.  Goldfish, in particular, are not terribly easy to keep -- they tend to die very easily.  

 If you do decide to go with goldfish in a 24 gallon tank, I would put a maximum of 4 in there.

thanks ron, then there is no point of keeping gold fishes. I had a 25 galoon trophical fish tank, ever since i start my tank all fihses started dieing, they died of this finrot or fungus disaeses, it been cycled about 3 month old. i had a tiger barbs, they always seems to be aggressive toward eachothers. I don't know if this caused this disaeses. right row i took everything out and washed it. I don't if i should reset my tank and recycle it, i don't want th same problem again.

here is my tank information.

tank: 25 gallon
filter: aqua clear 50 - work with carbon and bio-max
lighting: flurecent bulb
heater: aqua clear 30

Hi John,
 The key to an aquarium is that you can't put too many fish in there.  You also have to be very careful about which fish you put together.  Tiger barbs do not play well with other fish so I would be very cautious about putting them in a tank that size.  

 For a 25 gallon tank, I would start with no more than 4 to 6 fish of any kind.

-- Ron
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