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betta fungus

23 11:22:42

My female betta is having a bad case of fungus. I just bought Kanamycin and i want to know how to use it in my aquarium(On the box it said that use 1 level measure fore every 5g. Repeat every 2 days until symptons disapear or up to a maximum of 3 doses. To feed, blend 1 measure with ablut 1 tables spoon of frozen food paste.)? Do i suppost to blend the med in food or in water or both?
Thank You very much!:)

ANSWER: Hi Jackson,
Use the right dosage recommended for the size of your tank.  Do a complete water change before using the medication, change all of your water after 2 days, and continue treatment.  She should be better after two treatments.  You do not need to blend this with her food if you see that she is getting better.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

after two treatments the fungus had falling of her nose in the noon and regrow in the morning. Her infected nose had geting small and less red but the fungus is not gone yet. So what do i need to do now? (Last time you told me to buy Kanamycin to cure my female betta fungus infection but i don't think it is working.)

ANSWER: Hi Jackson,
Kanamycin is a good product, and should have gotten rid of the fungus. All medication take time.  It has only be one day.   There is another medication you could try, if you see no good results, which is suprising, with Kanamycin.   It is called "Kordon Ich Attack"  It is 100% organic, and it cures ich, fungus, and other diseases.  The best treatment for fungus, and other diseases is always prevention.  Water should always have good chemistry.  You water should always be free of ammonia, and nitrites before adding medication.  If it isn't, then the medication will not work.  Wait one more day, and if she is still sick, then try "Kordon Ich Attack"...I am really hoping that the little fish will pull through.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

after 3 treatment, the fungus on my female betta face still there but it is falling of at noon and regrowing in the moring, it just never stop. I have put half of the dose in her food and the other half in the water but it is not working. And i can't find "Kordon Ich Attack" anywhere. Will she live because the "fungus" been on her face for about 12 day in the past and when i put Melafix in the tank, it gone way. Then it regrow again and stay on her face for 2 weeks until now?
Thank you very much

Hi Jackson,
I'm sorry, but there is nothing else I can think of to help her.  Maybe if you go online, you could order "Kordon Ich Attack"  or maybe your pet store could order this for you.  Most pet stores will gladly order for you, as they know where to get this medication.  If not, then try online.  It is always a good medication to have on hand.
Keep her in clean water, stop the medication as it is not getting rid of the problem.