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Trying to get answer...

23 14:11:52

Hi! I am almost 12 and have been trying to get an answer about my algae problem! It is over running the tank! We got a algae eater, but it died. We are going to get more, but I wanted to know what the best way to get rid of it was. Can you help me get my tank back? I can hardly see our fish! Plus, my dad just cleaned it 3 days ago! Help! Than you!      Melissa

Hi Melissa,
 Algae needs two things to grow -- food and light. If you reduce those, it won't grow nearly as quickly.   Do you have a light on over the tank? If so, is it on a timer.  If so, reduce the time that it is on.

 As for the food, be sure that you are not overfeeding your fish. Feed them once a day and only put in food that they eat right away.  Do not put in food for them to "eat later".

-- Ron
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