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Betta fish and algae eaters

23 14:27:16

I have a male Betta fish and two algae eaters (not sure the breed I bought them at Petsmart). Today, I saw my Betta fish float or maintaining itself at the bottom of the 5 gallon tank. It is not eating and I also noticed that its fins look torn and you can see the bones. Now, I have seen Betta fish fighting and it looks as though it has been in a fight. I separated the Betta in a small container with some food and he has eaten a little bit of the food. I have also looked up algae eaters to see if the attack other fish like Bettas do. I have come to find the only algae eaters that get territorial are the Chinese Algae Eaters. Is it possible that the algae eaters attacked the Betta? and if so is there anything I can do to keep the Betta alive?

Hi ashley.

Im glad that you have your betta in a GREAT sized tank. Bettas generally do not do good with any other fish. It is very possible that your CAE are trying to kill him. I would take them back to petsmart. The only tankmates that my betta will accept are albino corydoras. They are calm, peacful, and keep to themselves. Try to get three for your tank. Make sure to closely monitor the activity in your tank for the next few days.

As for keeping the fish alive, try a cheap medicine called "Melafix". It is a VERY good medication, that will help him to regrow his finnage.

Let me know how he goes.
