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Moving a tiger oscar

23 11:50:44

Unfortunately i just got a new tank and fish about week ago, and in about a
month and half i have to move to a new place, and i was wondering what
would be the best way to move my tank and fish without stressing it out too
much. Do you have any recommendations or things to look out for when
moving?  I actually just asked you a question yesterday, so i appreciate your
help.  Also why has my fish changed colors in the past week or two?  He used
to be dark black with defined orange stripes, now he is almost an olive green
with light orange stripes.  Are things like the amount of light and the color of
the gravel changing his color? Currently he gets about 6 hours of light a day
along with his white gravel. If i keep the colors in the tank darker will he go
back to being darker and more defined in his colors?

Hi Mitchell,
When a fish loses his colours it is because he is stressed.  Check your water for ammonia, and nitrates.  If your water chemistry is not right,  fish do get stressed, and sick.  Your ammonia should be down to zero, and nitrates should be safe.  If this is the cause, do water changes until you have the right chemistry.  Did you let your tank cycle before adding your Oscar?  This is very very important.
When you move, bring has much water as you can to put back into his tank, and add it to the new water.  Co not change any filtering material.  The sponge is full of good bacteria, which he will need.  When cleaning your filter, always rinse your sponge in the same  water temperature that is in your tank so that you don't kill the good bacteria.  A sponge is good for a very long time.  Change the sponge when it is very old, and falling apart.  Move your Oscar in a new pail that was never used.
Hope this helps