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disappearing fish

23 11:00:13

I have a 45 gallon aquarium and have been working slowly to fill it. My efforts have been dashed, however, as my fish have been disappearing. I started out with quite a few from petsmart but one by one, they died. What I had left had been living together peacefully since December. I had a large pleco, a cory catfish, 2 tiger barbs, a fairly large dalmation molly and a large kissing gourami. Last week I realized the gourami was dying. Upon further investigation, I saw it no longer had a tail fin. I left it in the tank and in the morning its eyes and some of its body had been consumed. Sad day. Then yesterday morning I couldn't find my molly. It had disappeared. Then this morning the smaller of my 2 tiger barbs was gone. All that's left is my pleco, catfish and tiger barb. Who's eating my fish?!

Tiger Barb. Tiger barbs are very aggressive and should be housed in a species only tank. They'll kill fish without a proper school of at least 8+. They are not meant for community tanks.

Common Pleco's need a 100+ tank.
Kissing Gourami need 75g.
Cory Catfish need 6+ schools.
Tiger Barbs need 8+ schools.
Mollies need 3+ groups.