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identifying my fish

23 11:46:10


Hello, I would like to know if this fish is a female green terror or a Blue Acara or something else. I always get confused. How can I differentiate between them. Also how come all the pet shops I have been visiting are importing only male green terrors. They told me the exporters are not sending any females!!  Thanks and I appreciate your reply.

Hi George,
 He looks like a little blue acara to me (based on the body proportions).  Blue acaras are longer and thinner than green terrors although the differences are difficult to tell on smaller fish and it has been awhile since I saw a young green terror so I cannot be sure.
As far as exporting only females, I seriously doubt that.  All sorts of stories like that appear from time to time.  There would be no economic incentive for exporters to do such a thing, nor sufficient time in the day to do it.

-- Ron
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