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Stocking of 125gal

23 11:51:21

Hi, I have recently set up a 125gal tank to house new world cichlids. I live in the Bahamas and the level of information provided by pet stores here is very minimal to non-existent. I have 2 red devil (females I think), 2 Jack Dempseys (1 male and 1 female I think) all juveniles. I will also be putting 4 clown loaches, 1 Trinidad pleco 12" and 1 cat fish. Can you suggest any other cichlids to go along with these or is this enough aggression for 1 tank. All of the above mentioned have grown up together in a 55gal with the exception of the pleco who has recently been introduced. Thanks for your help.

Hi Lynn,
 I think you will find that those will be enough as they grow to their adult sizes.  An adult red devil is a foot or more long and an adult male Jack Dempsey can be 10 inches, so you already have quite a bunch of fish in there.

 By the way, I have to say that you are the first person from the Bahamas that I have heard of with a freshwater fish tank.  I know a bunch of folks in Bermuda keep fish, but I had not heard of anyone in the Bahamas.

-- Ron
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