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Blood Parrot Chiclids

23 14:57:09

Hi Ron,    I purchased two blood parrot chiclids on Saturday, and in the store they had the red color, but within a few minutes of being put in the bag, their color had changed to the black/brown with blue spots on the tail fin. I asked the guy at the store if they would be okay to put in my 50 gallon with two golden acara s and three other chiclids, a starry night eel and two algae eaters (plecto s?) and he said they would be fine. However, since I ve had them they have hid and been chased. Is this just b/c the other chiclids are bigger then they are? I don t want to lose any fish!!  Please advise,    Thanks!!

Hi Tara,
 Cichlids often change color when they are scared.  

 If the other fish are substantially larger than the new fish then the new fish will not likely be okay in that tank.  Cichlids are highly territorial and the "old" fish are not going to like the new kids on the block so you need to watch things closely.

-- Ron
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