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my betta, i think he is sick

23 11:13:39

QUESTION: hi, i have just recently bought my betta's, i have read about them on the Internet but im not an expert lol, i just bought a male betta from the pet shop and he looked fine but when i came home i looked at him proper and i noticed he has a white spot on his stomach, he looks healthy and he swims around but im worried about the spot, hes a blue betta with like a blackish head and blue body and turquoise fins, some red here and there, i have just started with bettas and would love some help and info, sorry for the extremely long note, shyam-Michael

ANSWER: Shyam,

All Betta's need to be in their own tank. 2.5 gallons is the smallest. DO NOT put more than one Betta in the same tank. I hate to tell you but it sounds like the one with the white spot is female. That is called the Ovipositor. If she has smaller fins, and the pectoral fins are small then she is definitely a girl.The males have very long tails and fins. It is now more important that they be separated because your male can and probably will kill the female.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: hi again, thanks for replying so quick, i keep all my bettas separately no worries:) he is definitely a male his fins are not short like the other female and he is really colorful but that white spot is in the same place as the female, and when i woke up this morning hes water was really smelly, but the other bowls aren't, i don't understand, cause its got long fins like a male and he blows bubbles and stuff but he is not spreading his fins like the other male, he holds them tight like, i really don't know what to do, thanks again shyam


Is it possible to get me a pic of your fish? I am a Betta breeder, and I have never had a male with the Ovipositor. If his fins are not spreading then he has Clamped fins. It is always an indication that there is something wrong. Water temperature change can bring that on as well as bad water quality. I would give him salt water baths, direction below. If the tank is smelly, do a full change but make sure the new water is the same temperature as the old. Make sure you use a water conditioner every time you change the water. Only put it in the new water before adding it to the tank.   You have not mentioned a heater. Betta's are tropical fish and need warm water. Set the heater to 82 degrees for the winter. Because he is not showing signs of illness, we don't want to get him any medication. I am thinking that the salt water baths will help him and hopefully will un-clamp the fins. Sometimes when they have this problem, they never get them un-clamped. He will still be happy, he just won't flare out completely.


 Get a container that can hold 1 gallon of water the same temp as the tank water. Add 1 teaspoon of aquarium salt that has been dissolved before adding your fish to that water. If you don't dissolve it first it can burn your fish. Let him swim in this water for 5 minutes the first day, both times, 10 minutes the second day both times and 15 minutes the third day and every day after for 5 days. watching him closely the entire time he is in there. I want you to watch him in case he starts to have a problem, you can remove him from the salt water immediately. I would do this 2 times a day, but never in the same water. Always make fresh salt water every time you put him in.