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How can i be sure my platy is pregnant?

23 14:11:36

I'm 18, And this is the first time i've ever had an aquarium of my own.
I've got three platys, which to i believe to be females and one male.
And two neon tetras, along with an oscar fish.

And one of my platy's has seem to have swollen up and has been like this for a week or two.
It kinda acts like it has "dropsy".
It kinda just sits somewhere and doesnt move much, and when it does its rapid quick jerks against the glass and stuff.

I'm just worried.
I've heard of fish eating too much and exploding from it.
I only feed them twice a day, but it does seem like the fat one eats alot faster than the others and gets more.

Hi Billy,

sorry for the slow response I'm based in England, so I'm usually asleep when these questions come through.

Does your Platy have a swollen belly with speckles on it?? these speckles are the eyes of the fry. However, if her scales are stuck out, giving her a fuzzy look, then it is likely that she has dropsy and she should be treated quickly with a propiertary treatment.

With regards to feeding you could pull the reigns in a bit. Try feeding a little flake once a day for a week. Alternatively don't feed the fish for a day. Some Aquarists swear by this as it improves digestion.

If your platy is pregnant she will give birth after 3-4 weeks.

However, you need to move her into a breeding pen quickly, your neons and oscar will make a meal of the fry very quickly.

Good Luck!


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