Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > parrots


23 14:28:31

QUESTION: i have a 4 galon tank with two parrot fish. i got a sucker and dalmation fish a few days ago which the parrots left aloone to my suprise. However the dalmation did not eat at all and died yesterday but the sucker is doing fine. is there anything i done wrong with having it in the tank and wat other fish could i have along with my parrots?

ANSWER: Well what kind of parrot fish and what kind of pleco? Because it sounds like you have that tank packed please answer the question and I can tell you what you are doing wrong.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: ive 1 pink and 1 yellow parrot not sure what type and not sure wat kind of pleco. they wer all a present.ive had the parrts for bout two months and theyre doin fine.any advice is welcome im new to all of this.

Okay i know what fish you are talking about now they are parrot convict cichlids those get about 6 inches so you will need at least a 45 gallon long tank. The pleco is one that probaly gets pretty big the only small one i think their is it is called a clown pleco, but I would get an 80 gallon tank minumum so nothing will outgrow it. Also i think that dalmation fish you are talking about is a dalmation molly and mollies get about 6 1\2 inches so if you could tell me what kind of dalmation fish it is i can give you an answer on tank size.