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Type of fish and feeding

23 11:46:38

I have 2 fish that I thought were goldfish, but that doesn't seem possible now, and I'd like to know what I have and what to expect in terms of size. They are white and orangish-gold and have a "whisker" on each side of their mouths. They have grown to about 6-8 inches each. Is it possible that they are goldfish--I didn't think goldfish had the "whiskers". How much more can I expect them to grow?  How much should I be feeding them?  Thanks so much for any help you can give me!

Hi Kelly;

Goldfish don't have 'whiskers', you're right. Koi do though so that's probably what they are. Koi also get far too large to keep in aquariums. They will grow to be over 36" long and need a large pond with very high capacity filtration. Koi are messy, messy fish even when small. As far as feeding koi, here are links about that;

An extra interesting link I found today;

Good luck...

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins