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Betta Fish Companions

23 11:20:32

Hello Lynda,
I have a ten gallon tank with a heater and filter. I have a female betta and two peppered corydoras in the tank. What are my choices for possible tank mates for these fish? I thinking of getting two more fish for the tank. Are kissing fish a good idea? I know female bettas like to nip at other fishes fins, so I thought I'd ask before I bought the fish.

Hi Tiffany,
Kissing Gouramis is not a good choice because they grow very big, and a ten gallon tank would be to small for them.  Gouramis should not be added with bettas.  Platies should do well.  If you go with platies, buy females because if you buy a male, you would have to buy 3 platies to one male.  I would also buy two more cory catfish because they love to play, and should be kept in groups.  Since they are basically bottom fish, you would have no problem adding two more.  Do not add guppies, mollies, or fancy fish with long fins.  Sometimes a school of neon tetras may co- exist with the betta, but this depends on the Betta's character.  Each betta has his/her personality, so you will have to watch them.  Ask the pet store manager before buying fish if he is willing to take them back, just incase this does not work out.
You could add 2 cory catfish, and 2 female platies, but do not add them all at the same time.  Add two, wait one week, do a 25% water change, and if your water chemistry is right, add 2 more.  Your water chemistry must always read zero or safe ammonia, zero or safe nitrites, and your nitrates must be low.
If you prefer to go with neons, add 3 neons, wait one week, do a 25% water change, add 3 more, wait one week, and add 2 cory catfish.  Do 25% water changes every week.  ( If you prefer black tetras, or glolight tetras you could go with them instead, always groups of 6)
Dwarf Danios are also a good choice since they are fast, and the betta is quite slow. You could go with Danios (6) instead of the platies, or neons.
Do not add another female betta, they tend to bully each other, and the dominant one, always wins.  Also do not add barbs, such as tiger barbs as they would harass the betta.  
Long fin fish will be nipped, but sometimes depending on the fish, it is the betta who is nipped.
As you can see not too many fish can live happily with the betta, whether male or female.
Whatever you choose, watch them carefully.  Some bettas are more tolerant than others.  It is a throw of the dice.  
I hope this will help, and that this will work out for you, and your pet betta.