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my ciclids bottom lip is swollen

23 11:51:21

I have a orange Ciclid not exactly sure what type. But today I notice that his bottom is swollen and he is staying in one corner of the tank at the top. It actually looks like he has something white in his mouth. He is still eating.

Hi Cynthia,
  Do you mean the lip itself is swollen or does it appear like there is a bit of a bag under the jaw?  If the latter, it sounds like your fish is holding eggs or babies in its mouth.  Many African cichlids are mouthbrooders and the female carries the eggs and then the babies in her mouth for about 3 weeks before releasing them.   Such a female will often hide up in the top corner of a tank to get away from the other fish.
If possible, consider moving her to a small tank of her own until she releases the babies.

-- Ron
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