Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > Black Piranha

Black Piranha

23 11:43:44

Can you tell me what is the average tank size to keep one Black Piranha from young to adult?

Also tank size for 6 red bellied piranha is the rule of thumb for this species 30 gallons for each piranha?

Also can I feed them stuff like this? Eels&id=11

Thank you for your time.

Thanks for asking me a question about big fish, it rarely happen and I enjoy answering them.

Black piranha can get a solid 20". I'll list the size of the tanks that you would need for the black piranhas.

Black piranha like to school and produce lots of waste.

three 2"-8" black piranha= 75-100 gallon tank.
three 8"-16" black piranha= 100- 180 gallon tank.
three >16" black piranha= 180- 260 Gallon tank.

The stronger filter the better.
Hope that helps.