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American-Flag fish

23 15:09:14

Hi and thanks for your time. I'm looking for these fish for our 500gal pond in SW Florida - this is their native home! I've read so much literature on them and they will be perfect - but I can't find any sources for them or other small Florida natives. The species name is jordanella floridae; sometimes called a cichlid, but most call it a killiefish or pupfish. My heart is set on native fish rather than goldfish types, now that I've seen how beautiful many of the natives are. I keep running into expired websites, etc.
Please take all the time you need to help me!
Peace to you and yours, MBA

Hi Mary;

You might visit the freshwater forum and post your question there.

There are many members with experience in that area. I haven't ordered fish online myself, so I just don't really have any sources to rely on for that.

Have you asked a local fish store to order them for you? My local store does that for me all the time. They can't carry everything in stock all the time, so they just let me know what's available that week and I choose from there.

Followups welcome

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins