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salt water fish( blue devil dansiles)

23 15:09:14

We are wondering if you know what colour does the male or female have on there tail, because we think one of them layed eggs in a blue sack at the bottom of the tank.  We are wondering if we have to seperat them,and which one do we put in the seperat area with the fish eggs? Or do the parent have to go into the same place.

Hi Kieran,
 Do you mean blue devil damselfish?  If so, I can't tell you which sex is which unfortunately.  However, it is very unlikely that the blue sac you are seeing is an egg mass.  Damselfishes lay their eggs stuck onto a hard object like a piece of rock or coral.   It is the male in damselfishes that guards the eggs. If they are eggs, he will be right next to them all the time.

 A blue sac sounds like it could be a sac of snail eggs.  Do you have any snails in the tank?

-- Ron
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