Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > Hurt goldfish

Hurt goldfish

23 11:14:37


I have 2 long fin goldfish and 2 small red heads, last
night before going to bed i saw all in perfect shape. when i
woke up today morning, one of the long fin had a white patch
on his body, i am not sure if its a color or if he hurt
himself when i was asleep, i went to a pet store they gave
me an aloe-vera solution, and i also thought that i had a
small tank (28 lt.) so i bought a new one (50 lt)... i am
not sure as i can see few of his scale white and seems like
he has hurt himself.

Can u please help me on this...

thank you for your time..



  The first thing I would do is test your water, specifically ammonia. It sounds like he got burned. Goldfish are very messy fish, and you have to be on top of the water changes and the water conditioners. As you might not know, goldfish have no stomachs so their wastes turns to ammonia very quickly. In order to prevent this in the future, test your water regularly. You can either get the test kit and do it yourself, or you can take a sample to your local fish store and have them do it. Your new tank is still too small for the fish. Goldfish need a minimum of 20 gallons for the first fish and 10 gallons for each additional fish. So with the four you have now, you will need  a 50 gallon minimum. Which translates into 189 lt. I would continue to give him the medicine you have, or you can try a salt water dip. Hope this helps.