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Vacation Feeding

23 13:59:09

Do you know of a feeding block that is both nutritious and appealing to most tropicals? All I'm finding are the plaster blocks with no nutritional value and Tetra's gel packs that my fish won't touch. Alternatively, would an automatic feeder work for a small number of fish?  Thanks for sharing your expertise.

Hi Herb,
 I never use feeder blocks of any kind.  The plaster ones are yucky
and I've never used the gel packs.  

How long are you gone?  If it is a week or less, just don't feed the fish. If it is more than that, ideally get someone to pop in and feed the fish a little.  That is by far the best solution.  

Most importantly, do not put a bunch of food in the tank before you leave so that the fish will have something to eat for several days. That extra food will rot, spoil the water and kill the fish.   The fish are far better not to eat at all for several days.  

-- Ron
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