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Please Help!!!!

23 11:06:03

I woke up this morning only to find that my blood parrot's nose is swollen. It looks like she swallowed a large marble and stuck it in her nose. Her nostrils are also swollen and she has tiny white dot looking like things on her body. She was grown when I got her and I have had her for at least a year maybe longer. She had dark specs on her body and now there are only a few left on and near her spine I guess you would call it that. I call her Gracie and I love that fish. There are 3 other blood parrots in with her and two other fish and I'm worried about them as well. Please Help me!!!!!!!!! I've never seen nothing look this before, but I have never had blood parrots before either. I just dont want her to die. Please let me know what I can do for her and the others.

Hi Debra,
 Sadly I do not have any idea what you can do.  It is most likely some kind of inflammation in the nasal area.  The only thing I can think of is to get some sort of antibiotic and try treating her with that, but to be honest, that is just a guess.  I have kept fish for over 30 years and I have never seen that particular thing before.  I hope it works out for you and Gracie.

-- Ron C.
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