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my sick beta

23 14:46:42

I've had my beta, Mr. Bradley for about a month now and he has already scared me the first time seeing his fan come out, but now I'm pretty sure that he is sick.  He is not eating nearly his normal amount and since this weekend he has been a lot less active and his water quickly became yellow.  I have just finished changing that and he is still sulking around.  I can also see some fading of his beautiful royal blue color around the bottom of his face and by his gills on the sides.  I hope you can tell me what is wrong with my poor little guy and also how to get himn back to his old spunky self....

Thanks a bunch!!

Hi Janelle;

Poor Mr. Bradley. It's possible he has a bacterial infection. He may need an antibiotic if his symptoms are simply faded coloration. "Maracyn 2" can help because it abosrbs into the body. Other medicines just treat the outside of the fish. They all work in the water and your betta does not have to eat it. Maracyn 2 is available at local fish stores. If the areas look more "fuzzy" it would probably be fungus and ofr that he needs an antifungal fish medicine. Here is a good web page about disease in bettas;

Whatever it turns out to be, be sure that any food he does not eat is immediately removed. Fish food rots very quickly and can make your fish more sick. Sometimes bettas lose their appetite because they are not feeling well, or simply because their water temperature is too cool. Bettas are tropical and need their water to be 76f or higher all the time.

Sometimes bettas lose their appetite because they get constipated. They don't need very much to eat. Feed him once a day and only about 4 pellets or whatever amount is equal to the size of one of his eyes. That's as big as a betta's stomach is. Just his eye.

Keep changing his water too. Bettas need their tank or bowl cleaned once a week. More often if the tank is less than 1/2 gallon in capacity.

I hope he feels better soon....

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins