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malawis always fighting!help!

23 11:47:39

hi.i have a 150litre consists of a pleco.and 3 blue malawi,1 grey,2 giraffe patterned and 1 peachy/orange 1.i dont know what sex they are!im new to malawis.i set my tank up 3 months ago&i am slowly adding fish.they are always fighting and injuring feeding twice a day spirulana.i have many rocks.but they're always mainly towards the top of the tank even when i dont stand near it&dont have anything better to do except fight! i have a large bubbler in there just like sum advice on how can i prevent them fighting?, how much malawi should i put altogether in my 150ltr tank? and how many males and females? thankyou, you're advice will be much appreciated.

Hi Abuhaqq,
  Unfortuantely, fighting is what Malawi cichlids do, and they do it alot.  With the rocks that you have, are there caves under the rocks?  Just having rocks won't help -- there needs to be lots of caves around and under the rocks so that each fish has many spots to hide -- that should reduce fighting somewhat.   In general, you want about 4 to 5 females for every male in the tank.

-- Ron
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