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My prego fish??

23 14:06:12

My question is that I bought 2 mollies about 2 months ago, both I believe are
females, about a week and a half ago I noticed that one of them is really super
fat. I looked it up online and it said that mollies can reproduce by themselves
and that she is probablly pregnant. N-e ways, after a couple days I moved her
into a net breeder and put some plants in there, so she's been in there for
about a week now but has not had any babies. If you could give any words of
wisdom on this matter I would be totally thankful! Thanks so much, Jessi
P.S.  Hope your day is going good and thanks for taking the time to do this :)

Mollies actually can NOT reproduce by themselves. However, they can hold the male sperm for a while after spawning, and give birth without a male present recently.
I recommend, instead of keeping her in a breeder, buying her a ten gallon tank all to herself (they are only around ten dollars if you don't buy the hood, which you would not need in this case) and keeping her there until she gives birth.
Mollies are live bearers, and it can take up to a month for her to actually give birth.
In the ten gallon, make sure it is warm enough (between 75-85 degrees F), and keep some floating plants (live or fake, doesn't matter) for the babies to hide in once they are born.
Once the babies are born, simply remove the mother, so she won't eat them, and start raising your babies!
As a side note, I want you to know, the reason why I said take her out of the net breeder is because for one - it is very stressful to the mother, and may cause her to miscarry. Second, it doesn't give ample room and can therefore be stressful and fatal to the babies once they are born. It is best to have a breeding tank specifically to allow the little ones to grow up in.
You can find microworms and other good food for baby fish at pet stores. I highly recommend doing some studying on the care of baby fish (fry) so you can give them a good life!
I'll leave you a website to get started ;)