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female beta and eating

23 14:26:41

Hi my male beta just died and i got a baby female beta fish. she's really cute and small but Im afraid that she's sick because when she eats her pellets she throws it up and eats it and keeps repeating the process until she gets tired of it what is the matter?thanks!

Hi Kathleen;

The food may be too large, or she just doesn't like it. Crunch the pellets smaller and if that doesn't work try some frozen brine shrimp or chopped frozen or freeze-dried bloodworms. Vary her diet so she gets lots of different choices every week. It gives her the vitamins she needs and she won't get bored with her food. A thawed frozen pea broken into tiny chunks is helpful for digestion too. Remove uneaten food right away. You don't want it to stay in there and rot or she could get very sick. Feed her once or twice a day.

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins