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Is my Oscar pregnant?

23 11:44:59

I have a the few cichlid like 4 oscars(2white, 2 black), 4 piranas, 4 texas greens, 4 green terrors, 6 jewels, 2 catfishs, 4 blue gourami, 2 Plecostomus and 1 Zebra Cichlid in the same tank. Until now everything was fine. But recently 1 of the white oscar started to clear the stones on the bottom of the tank and has become aggressive with others except the other white oscar. Is my oscar pregnant? If yes what should I do? Should I put the 2 white oscar in another tank or make a partition in the same tank? Can I replace fresh/ clean water?

Hi Prashant,
 Oscars are egg layers so the female does not get pregnant as such. She could be getting ready to lay eggs from the sounds of it.  I do not recommend moving the white oscars if you want them to spawn; you would be much better to move the other fish out of the tank.  Partitioning the tank is also a possibility.  

  Yes, you can continue to do regular water changes.  You should be changing 25% of their water once a week, every week, to keep them happy and healthy.

-- Ron
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