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I inherited a 55 gallon freshwater...

23 15:02:23

I inherited a 55 gallon freshwater tank in April.  There is one really big angelfish in the tank. She is pretty big, but for the past few days she has been very lethargic, even laying on the bottom of the tank. Some of the other fish have been chomping on her too.  I don't know alot about fish.  The tank has a filteration system, can I take her out of the tank in some of the tank water to see if she comes around?  This has been going on for 4 days.  I don't know if she is suffering or even has a chance to live.  Something recently happened to her eye as well. Almost like it is cloudy or even poked out. She runs into things now.  She might be pretty old and just ready to die.  I just feel bad about the whole thing.

Hi Jayleen;

You may have to separate her somehow. There are dividers available at most fish stores to get the other fish away from her. A hospital tank is best though. It is a good idea to keep one around for times like this. It doesn't have to be set up all the time, just when you need to isolate a fish once in awhile. If you can get a 10 gallon tank with only a heater, lights, air pump and airstone you can treat her for infection. I think that's what is wrong. Use a medication called "Maracyn 2". It absorbs into the fish where the infection is. Other meds treat only the outside of the fish. Make a water change of 25% daily in the hospital tank to keep toxins to a minimum and help the fish recover during quarantine.  

Here is a link to information on setting up and maintaining your hospital tank;

I hope your fish feels better soon....

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins