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Mysterious Betta Fish Happenings

23 15:08:46

If my betta is flaring at me, should I take it personally? like that he doesn't like me and doesnt trust me? or do all of them do that?

and about the fins - his fins are curling up on themselves at the end, like clumping up.  Is this normal?

Thank you


Hi Rachel;

Don't take it personally. It is just his nature as a naturally macho guy. Male Bettas live to defend territory and to breed. In order to keep the blood lines strong they have to be big and showy. Otherwise, they can't fight off other strong males to earn the privilege of breeding with females. No self-respecting female betta would want to be seen with a wimpy male! No way! Think of it this way.....maybe he thinks you're his new mate. They do flare at females too. He wants to show you what he's got! Give him a wink or two now and then to keep him interested. ;-)

Regarding his fins, some bettas just have curly fins. He is maturing and growing so they are probably just getting more developed. Unless they are looking infected (whitish or raw) or his tank is too small and preventing him from opening his fins fully I wouldn't worry about it.

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