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my yellow chillids is swimming in spirals

23 14:36:40

my fish first got like black velvet stuff on him and he was not swimming at all, I put some ich cure in the tank and he was better the next day. Put some more in the next day to. Then two days latter had black on him again and was swimming in a spiral motion. Now 3 days latter still alive ,still spiraling when swimming (the little swimming he does now)Have been putting Pimafix in the water. He seems very weak. Any suggestions? The fish store checked the ammonia nitrates and ph, everything was good. But the tank has a yellow tingh to it.

Hi Sabrina,
  The yellow tinge could be from not doing regular water changes.  You need to change 20% of the water once a week, EVERY week.

  Ick is a tiny white parasite that looks like the fish was coated in icing sugar.  A black velvety coating is something entirely different.  In fact, there is a disease called "velvet" that looks exactly like what you describe.  You need to get the right medicine for the problem otherwise it won't help and it might even hurt the fish more.

-- Ron
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