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catfish for my new 46g bowfront tank

23 11:07:30

I have a newly set up 46g bowfront tank with two Peguin Bio-Wheel 350 and heater set at 78*F. I have four red blood parrot cichlid in this tank as the main fish. So Which type of catfish is better for my tank:
1. One Rubber Lip Pleco
2. One African Featherfin Catfish


The rubber lip would do great in that tank. You are however getting a bit over loaded with the four Cichlids in that tank. Other than the pleco, I would not add any other fish to that tank. Your Cichlids will out grown the 46 gallon tank very quickly.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

how big does the rubber lip pleco and the african featherfin catfish grow? can you give me some reasons why you chose the rubber lip over the feather fin.
thank you very much


The rubber lip will grow to about 6" and the featherfin 8"-10". The rubber lip will love the current that your filters will give off. It is a more peaceful fish where the featherfin is quite aggressive. That is why I say the rubber lip might do better in the tank than the other.