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Tank Temp

23 15:01:15

I have 2 betta's, a powder blue gourami, and young oscar, all in a 40 gall hex. I was worried about the temp being too cold for these guys. What would be a proper temp for all these diff fish I have living in the one tank please.



They need 78 to 80 fahrenheit, but temperature may be the least of your problems I'm afraid. Those are some very incompatable fish. Unless your tank has dividers or something, that oscar needs to be in a separate tank. He will try to eat those other fish very soon. Even before his mouth is big enough he will attempt to swallow them. Oscars are very aggressive, grow to a whopping 12 inches long and other fish are part of their natural wild diet. Oscars need at least a 55 gallon tank too.

The betta and the gouramis may fight with each other too. The betta will think the gouramis are more bettas because they are "cousins". Just watch them and separate if they try to harm each other. It is best not to house bettas with other anabantids like gouramis.

Hope things go okay.......

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins