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My 2 new babies

23 11:09:32

Hello, I have 2 new tiger Oscars in a 55-60 gallon tank. Since I brought them which has only been three days now, they have not moved from the corner of my tank even when I feed them they wait for the food to come in there corner. Is this normal behavior? I know it will take time for them to get use to me... Please let me know how or if I can make them more comfortable the only tank mate is an Otto catfish who is about 6 inches long. My tigers are about 2 inches

Hi Kawanna,
  This is actually very normal behavior for new oscars.  It will take them some time (days, possibly a few weeks) to get used to their new home.  The critical thing during this time is not to let uneaten food accumulate in the tank. If they don't eat right away, take away the food. Otherwise it will rot and foul the water.  
  Having a bunch of plastic plants in the tank will probably help them feel more secure.

-- Ron C.
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